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Jirun dripping chicken essence tasting activity starts   Many chicken essences on the market are conducting tasting activities, and among them, there are only general chicken essence and dripping chicken essence. Many people do not know the difference in essence, and the tasting activity alone is a kind of knowledge. This article will help you build a good tasting event, understand the main differences between general chicken essence and drip chicken essence, and explain the benefits of dripping chicken essence and the benefits of participating in a tasting event. Have you found that the chicken essence is different from ordinary chicken essence? First of all, why does the chicken essence taste more mellow and purer than ordinary chicken essence after the tasting activity? The key lies in the failure of the tasting activity and whether additional ingredients are added. Traditional chicken essence is mainly steamed by “water-proof heating”. The test-drinking activities use water to heat and cook the chicken juice. The yield is high, but due to the water cooking, the chicken juice will be slightly diluted by steam; and most of the test-drinking activities use “closed type” The essence extracted from the “Steamer” is a simple way of tasting activities to extract the golden nutrients of chickens. The extraction time is longer and the concentration is higher, which is why the nutritional value of dripping chicken essence is more than ordinary chicken essence. In addition, the production process of the top chicken essence brands is rigorous, and they will select carefully selected chickens with production and sales experience, and then go through the tasting activities of degreasing and filtering, so there will be 0 fat and 0 cholesterol in the market. At the same time, it will not cause additional drinking activities to the body.   “Standardization” is outdated, nutrition comes from real natural extracts! Due to the need for mass production of traditional chicken essence to supply market demand, the tasting activities will require standardized refilling and capping. Some chicken essence manufacturers will add water and pigments during the production process (testing activities), in order to make the product look uniform and beautiful, but The nutrients are easily diluted, and the concentration cannot reach the tasting activity. However, due to its special stewing and dripping method, dripping chicken essence does not touch any drop of water during the extraction process. At the food exhibition, it will be closest to the original chicken juice essence, and the concentration can reach 100%. This is why in the same amount, dripping chicken essence has The taste will be more tasting activities, and the nutritional value will be relatively high, which is the biggest difference between dripping chicken essence and general chicken essence.   Numbers can speak, what’s good about dripping chicken essence from the tasting activities Whether the extraction method will really produce better quality chicken essence, the most direct method is to test from the nutrient tasting activities. In the process of simmering chicken essence, small molecular proteins will be decomposed into amino acids, and the most valuable nutrients are tasting activities (BCAA, branched amino acids), because branched chain amino acids cannot It is produced by the human body and can only be ingested through diet. It can nourish the body and try drinking activities. It is a good source of energy for muscles. It is suitable for people who are prone to fatigue and physical exertion. It is worth mentioning that since the tasting activity has been concentrated in the chicken essence, for those who have poor absorption ability or cannot chew chicken, the nutrients can be quickly absorbed by drinking the liquid chicken essence, which is helpful for the intake of the tasting activity.   More importantly, the general tasting activities may not necessarily be de-oiled and filtered, but the chicken essence will strictly implement this process, so it can achieve 0 cholesterol and 0 fat, and it will not cause additional burden on the body during the tasting activities, and there is cholesterol. People who have problems or are trying to lose weight can also eat chicken essence. Generally speaking, traditional chicken essence cannot be compared with chicken essence in terms of purity, taste and nutritional value. Compare, hold an event.   The benefits and suitable groups of drinking chicken essence In addition to the rich branched-chain amino acids, the chicken essence tasting activity also extracts many nutrients that the human body needs for a day, including: tasting activities, vitamin B, zinc, iron, peptides, and proteins; it is helpful for muscle tissue repair, Adjusting the physique and restoring energy, most people can obviously feel their physical strength has improved after participating in the activity. During the general tasting process, except for some people with special circumstances (gout, kidney disease patients), most people can eat chicken essence after participating in the tasting activity, especially for prenatal and postpartum women and children in the growth and development stage , Tired office workers, students who leave early and return late, and drinking tasting activities that need to replenish their bodies after illness, the convenience of dripping chicken essence allows everyone to more efficiently absorb nutrients, replenish energy, and drink tasting activities.   Finally, I would like to remind everyone that after participating in the tasting activity of dripping chicken and dripping chicken essence, you must also know that when choosing health products, you must choose a manufacturer with good reputation and strict quality control. , In addition to checking whether the chicken essence has passed the SGS inspection, it is also necessary to confirm the labeled nutrients, chicken production process, production and sales history, and evaluate the quality of the chicken essence from various aspects. Take care of your health. 



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食力 (https://bit.ly/3qMkdMq)


元氣網 (https://bit.ly/3LrgkWI







【極潤】滴雞精系列 – 潤燕窩-貨真價實,就是最好 (runique.com.tw) 


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